Marketing to Multi-Generational Households: Strategies for reaching multiple generations under one roof

Today, targeting and communicating to a single generation is less and less cost-effective. The world’s population is aging and purchasing power is leveling out. At the same time, we are witnessing a change in mores, driven by various economic factors: the multi-generational household.

This new type of household, which is more supportive and family-oriented, is on the rise. It opens a vast field of possibilities and announces the birth of a new way of communication. In this article, we present three strategies that will allow you to effectively target multi-generational households.

Include generational diversity in your marketing campaigns

The first technique is to speak to all generations simultaneously. To do this, follow these three steps:

  • Identify all the generations present in the home,
  • Develop a campaign that meets the deepest needs of each,
  • Create multiple messages.

The last point is essential. Don’t hesitate to use different arguments. Focus on a specific generation or customer profile to reach each generation directly.

Opt for positivity and don’t stigmatize a particular generation

The typical message of the elderly dependent person is no longer valid. Stigmatizing a generation is not the way to turn them into customers.

To get the attention of baby boomers, the message must be positive. Present them as active, passionate, interesting people who want to maintain their independence and freedom of movement. Similarly, teenagers are often portrayed as selfish and not very supportive of family values. Generation Y gets all the attention, sometimes neglecting the rest.
To reach all generations in a household, it is important that each one has a pleasant and non-disruptive or stigmatizing message, even in an indirect way.

Use social networks

The myth that older people don’t use social networks has a long history. Yet in 2020, nearly 43% of people over 65 and 68% of people over 55 reported using at least one social network.

Multi-generational households are seeing this percentage increase. This is due to the proximity between generations that promotes and accelerates knowledge sharing. At the top of the list, Facebook remains the favorite social network of baby boomers as well as of generation X.
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